February has gone already - that was so fast and it's not just because it was the shortest month of the year.
In October 2004 I came to Australia and I started working at Fusions as artist in residence - that's where I met Mel Robson. Since then we have shared several studios including Southbank TAFE, Gateway TAFE and Sculptors Queensland. I have been supported by many great people along the way - especially Stephanie from Fusions, teachers from TAFE and Mark from Sculptors QLD. I am so grateful for their support. But most of these opportunities could not have happened if it wasn't for Mel. She is a top Aussie lady! But unfortunately it's time to now work from home, because there is no residency program to move on to. I was so lucky to have great studios and a great share mate. It was sad to leave. That is why I felt February 2007 was so fast. But I feel like something is coming in the near future. Also Mel and I have an exciting plan - We will do a collaborative project some time soon. More info coming up soon! ARIGATO!!!